MY MUSIC: Beyoncè, Sting, Alicia Keys, anything by Stephen Sondheim, Stephen Schwartz, John Williams, Rodgers & Hart, Howard Shore....and Rony Fortich! David Pack...Diana Krall, Liz Callaway, Eva Cassidy when I need to leave the world behind.
MY BOOKS: Fried Green Tomatoes At The Whistle Stop Cafe by Fannie Flagg...Bambi by Felix Salten (still cry buckets to this day!)...everything by Tolkien and C.S. Lewis...Bullfinch's Mythology...the Encyclopedia Brittanica...Of Mice and Men...The Good Earth...The Runaway Bunny...Oh The Places You'll Go! by Dr. Seuss...Audition by Michael Shurtleff...Gone With The Wind...The Da Vinci Code...the Remains of the Day...The Age of Innocence...Interview with a Vampire...Biographies of Walt Disney, Gene Kelly, Judy Garland
Got this idea from Ribbiticus. She found this great site that createsword cloudsout of random words from your blog, and can even print it out on a t-shirt for you. This is what my word cloud picked up. Pretty accurate portrait, don't you think? Would love to have the shirt now!
posted by The White Rabbit at 7:56 PM | Permalink |
waz da link??