10 Signs You’re About To Be Married
Why It Might Be Worth It To Cough Up A Hundred Grand For A Really Good Wedding Planner
Why It Might Be A Good Idea To Just Elope
1. You’ve got saucer-sized dark circles under your eyes from trying to find time for everything that needs to get done. For some reason, there just seems to be no end to this so-called checklist everyone keeps advising you to make.
2. You catch yourself staring at the floor once too often contemplating the fact that there’s just absolutely no way you can still live your carefree old life and get away with it.
3. You suddenly find yourself saying “no” to after-hours gimmicks with old friends. Not that hubby-to-be is stopping you—you’re just too damn tired!
4. You sometimes go without lunch just to be able to buy the latest issue of any wedding magazine (local and foreign) you come across.
5. You start replacing your old doodles (flowers, faces, abstract figures) with pages and pages of your new signature.
6. You go through several notebooks just to revise and refine the guest list. This usually entails a deep and painful struggle within one’s self determining which valued friends or family members need to be crossed out for space and budget purposes.
7. You experience more frequent arguments with your groom with each passing month--especially if the above-mentioned checklist looks just as long as when you started.
8. There’s less and less motivation to watch movies or eat ice cream together with your honey. Hey—two movie tickets at Shang could mean one more dear friend or loved one added to the guest list!
9. You’re longingly looking forward to the wedding night….so you can finally catch up on some serious SLEEP!!!
10. You just want it all to be short, sweet, and perfect.