Year 2!
Daisypath Ticker

Sunday, September 18, 2005
Mic Traffic
Woke up to a beautiful morning that has now been marred by an excruciating karaoke fiend who's been let loose from his cage a few floors above me. "It" is now belting out "Be My Lady" at the top of its lungs, zapping my brain cells, and rendering me more and more catatonic with every passing second. My poor, pitch-sensitive ears cannot take any more of this. There should be a law!

Now I'm being treated to a Visayan-accented version of "Copacobana"...yes, well, that makes it so much better.....!

If I try very hard, I can force my mind to focus on the wonderful events of last night. Our 11th show of "Footloose" went off with nary a hitch and with such relentless exuberance that the smiles on our faces at curtain call were off the wattage meters. The show has never been better, and the audience let us know it with such generous gusto. Rony was in the audience--maybe that had something to do with it! Haha. He's home for the weekend, really just to see his friends' shows (the all-male cast of Taming of the Shrew, the vacuum-packed version of Little Mermaid, and definitely, our very own Fast Times at Bomont High...a.k.a Footloose!), and of course, to steal some precious moments with his Bubu. Monday morning he will be flying back to the "happiest place on earth", this side of the equator. Although at the moment, that label is debatable. It can get pretty happy over here, too, when your show is a hit and you're surrounded by a truly joyous bunch of crazy actors. It can't get any better than this.

I now close this entry to the passionate, if Ginebra-soaked strains of "Even Now". Even you, Rony, would want to strangle Barry Manilow now and wrap him tightly around a cactus tree. I'm not kidding.
posted by The White Rabbit at 9:03 AM | Permalink |

2 Speak Up, I Can't Hear You:

  • At 2:20 AM, Blogger ribbiticus

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  • At 2:21 AM, Blogger ribbiticus

    next time it happens, grab a magic mic and sing one song in full volume. that should render "it" mute. he'll be scared spitless and never sing again once he knows he lives above a trained professional - hehehe...