Year 2!
Daisypath Ticker

Thursday, May 04, 2006
Tuning Fork
You Are 64% Happy

You are a very happy person. Generally, you feel content and that all is right with the world.
Occasionally, you have a down day - but you have the ability to pick yourself right back up.
How Happy Are You?

I am glad there's so much more room for happiness in my life. With just 5 months of married life behind me, I have an entire lifetime with my husband to learn all about how passion and affection grow into the kind of love that lasts. No sense in waking up and smelling all the roses and coffee beans in one go. Keep it simple, travel light. Take it one day at a time. That's how I intend to travel this road.
posted by The White Rabbit at 9:52 AM | Permalink |

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