Year 2!
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Monday, January 17, 2005
Nowhere Child
The Beatles wrote a song called "I Am The Walrus", which is an allusion to another Lewis Caroll character. Nifty lyrics, that one has. I'll post it here another time. Meanwhile, they wrote another brilliant song called "Nowhere Man". As a very young child back in the French Revolution (haha), I remember seeing and hearing that scene in the hallucinogenic classic "The Yellow Submarine". I don't care how little I was, I just remember being riveted by it, by how was. And I was immediately drawn in. Bizarre. Imagine a chubby little grammar school version of myself slowly sinking into empathetic depression as this shapeless little creature would pop up from a small black circle on the white floor, "pick" up the circle as if it were a floppy vinyl disc, plop it down on another piece of white space, then jump and disappear into it. Then reappear in another place through another circle. And this was what he did all day! The aimlessness of it. The sheer...nothingness...of his environment. Where did he come from? Where was he going? Who was he? My confused little 6 or 7-year old self somehow knew exactly what this kind of non-existence was like. Good Lord-- beginning life as lost and as warped as that, is it any wonder I eventually found myself in theater? Hahahaha....
posted by The White Rabbit at 10:20 AM | Permalink |

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