Year 2!
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Monday, July 11, 2005
Back To The Future
It's starting. The ball has starting rolling for Footloose matters and everything else not classified under "day job". My brief, but extremely productive and educational chapter with Stratworks has already begun to close, meanwhile. And for me, this all just means that Life is beginning yet again.

The Footloose pictorial is happening today at a real episcopal church near McKinley, the musical's senior characters being rigid christians who have banned dancing in their town. It promises to be a full day's job for me, being one of the actors to be photographed, as well as the souvenir program's editor and writer tasked to interview Jay-R and Iya Villania, the show's stars. Our lives will, from this day on, revolve around their impossible schedules.

Add to that a semi-rush assignment of three articles (the first of several) for the show's media presskit. These must be done way before the day of the presscon, which will happen sometime soon, I am told. All that aside, I've also got major revisions to do on 5 songs for this corporate show I'm doing for Stages. I just learned about it this morning. Apparently, the client decided to change 5 out of 6 songs completely, after I had already finished and submitted them all, of course! Why such major elements were not finalized before I started to write them will forever remain as another great mystery of the modern world.

Listen to me, complaining again about being swamped with deadlines and interviews and costumes for pictorials and makeup and dance class and my usual when-will-i-ever-find-time-to-listen-to-the-soundtrack-and-read-the-script woes.! Never realized how much I missed it all. I actually miss this looney bin I've been swimming in for the past 8 years. And the great part of it all is-- I'm baaaaack!

And where is Rein in all this? Right beside me cheering me on. He just did an unbelievable thing yesterday. He bought me a treadmill! An amazing gift meant to keep me fit and strong for the days leading up our big day and beyond. How we got it to fit in my tiny flat is the true achievement, haha. I have been on a health and fitness track lately---not strictly, but gradually trying to make it part of my life. I also try to play badminton as often as I can. I mean, as Rein says, why wait until that triple bypass later on to find a need to get a mountain bike and some good cross-trainers?

So, second half of 2005: Here I come.
posted by The White Rabbit at 8:14 AM | Permalink |

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